Sunday, January 15, 2012

Top 5 Blog Posts for Week Ending January 14, 2012

Since those in my area of the US, the northeast, are really getting quite a cold spell this weekend, I thought I would show a photo from the 2011 Macy's Flower Show. We need to see some colors and the show is held every year in the month of March. You can check their website HERE for the 2012 dates.

Here are my top 5 picks for this week, the first in 2012, for your reading pleasure.
Have a most excellent Sunday!!

It's Tebow Time!!
Get Your Tiramisu
Enter to win a $50 Williams Sonoma Gift Card !!
Cream Cheese Topped Brownies
The Special Pork Hamburger at Bark

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Vær våken said...

These links are always exciting! Hope you had a great weekend!


Girlie Blogger said...

Cute blogs. Why are they making me hungry :O) ?

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

Sorry about the making hungry, will see if I can go all non food next Sunday but that is sooo hard!

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