Friday, August 4, 2017

The 10 Best Afternoon Teas in NYC

Afternoon tea is pretty popular in New York City. It is a fun experience for sure, with family or friends, it is a relaxing afternoon. A wonderful pot of tea, along with scones, mini sandwiches, and mini desserts make for a  delightful time. You should be sure to have loose tea served, as you want only the best. I attended a local tea, and was horrified when we were served tea bags, and we did not even get a whole pot to ourselves. You can imagine, I will not be attending another tea at that location. This is a high class event, and should be done properly at any location.

Here are my choices for the 10 best places in the city for afternoon tea. This is a great idea if you feel you have done all the things the city has to offer, especially if you have never attended an afternoon tea. A great way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion.

In no particular order:

This list has been revised as of 07/22/17 to include The Peninsula Hotel 

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