Thursday, July 27, 2017

Throwback Thursday "Fiorello LaGuardia"

Fiorello LaGuardia at his Interpreter's desk on Ellis Island, c 1910
Library of Congress
From 1907 to 1910, he worked at Ellis Island as an interpreter certified for Italian, German, Yiddish and Croatian.

Fiorello LaGuardia was the 99th Mayor of New York City for three terms from 1934 to 1945 as a Republican. Since his height was all of 5'2, he was called "the Little Flower" (Fiorello is Italian for "little flower"). He defeated a corrupt Democratic machine, presided during a depression and a world war, made the city the model for New Deal welfare and public works programs, and championed immigrants and ethnic minorities. He succeeded with the support of a sympathetic president. He secured his place in history as a tough-minded reform mayor who helped clean out corruption, brought in gifted experts, and fixed upon the city a broad sense of responsibility for its own citizens. His administration engaged new groups that had been kept out of the political system, gave New York its modern infrastructure, and raised expectations of new levels of urban possibility.

We have to thank Mr. LaGuardia for all he did for the most wonderful city that is New York!

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