The press event is always interesting to attend, I remember the first time I saw Bill Cunningham walking around taking photographs and I felt so excited.
It is awesome to be in the Met when it is closed to the public, they do have before hour tours which I would highly recommend.
This was hard to photograph as inside glass but I think it came out well. Love the butterflies!
How do you walk in this gown? Very slowly, I would imagine.
All of the headpieces were made by Stephen Jones, the most famous milliner from England. Each one compliments the designs so perfectly.
So much fun, right ?
Left: Walter Van Beirendonck (Belgian, born 1957). Ensemble, spring/summer 2009. Courtesy of Walter Van Beirendonck. Right: Vivienne Westwood (British, born 1941). Ensemble, fall/winter 1989–90. Courtesy of Vivienne Westwood Archive.
Just what every Italian girl needs, a prosciutto dress by Jeremy Scott !
I loved these displays
Probably one of my favorites and I can see these being worn on many people. Just beautiful.
Camp: Notes on Fashion
Metropolitan Museum of Art
May 9 to September 8, 2019
Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Open Seven Days a Week
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