I apologize for the wait for these posts but it's been a crazy few weeks. I attended the Press Preview for the latest Metropolitan Museum of Art fashion exhibit: Camp: Notes on Fashion and it did not disappoint. I would highly recommend you visit before it ends on September 8th. Let's see what all the talk is about!
There will be 3 separate posts for this exhibit as much to show you and I didn't want to leave anything out, especially for those who cannot make it in person.
Through more than 250 objects dating from the seventeenth century to the present, The Costume Institute's spring 2019 exhibition explores the origins of camp's exuberant aesthetic. Susan Sontag's 1964 essay "Notes on 'Camp'" provides the framework for the exhibition, which examines how the elements of irony, humor, parody, pastiche, artifice, theatricality, and exaggeration are expressed in fashion.
This Chanel piece was just stunning!
You see many fashionable folks at the press events and I had to take a photo of this lady's suit covered in shoes! Love it !
I am finding the more I see of Schiaparelli designs, the more I absolutely love them.
This Dior gown just takes your breathe away.
Even though from 1957, I could see this on the red carpet in 2019.
Camp: Notes on Fashion
Metropolitan Museum of Art
May 9 to September 8, 2019
Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Open Seven Days a Week
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