One of the most lovely exhibits I have recently enjoyed at the Met is Public Parks, Private Gardens: Paris to Provence. It is a wonderful choice after the amazing Visitors to Versailles exhibit. This exhibit features some 150 works by more than 70 artists, spanning the late eighteenth through early twentieth century. They are truly so wonderful to view in person, and I find Monet's work just breathtaking. I hope you enjoy the highlights which will be shown over 2 features.
Monet's works are so soothing to see in person, the colors and beautiful brushstrokes make me smile
I really enjoyed this one as well and look at that frame!
I totally fell in love with this one, look at that gown and the way she is wearing those pearls! Pearls are so elegant and never go out of style. This was painted in 1854, just a bit of 164 years ago. What is also interesting is the painting was gifted from Mr. and Mrs. Claus von Bulow who made headlines when he was convicted for the attempted murder of his wife Sunny von Bülow in 1979. She was left in a coma from which she never recovered. If this painting could talk, oh it would be interesting!
I also looked up Empress Eugenie as well who led a very interesting life. Now you see how art can teach you things and make you curious about various parts of history. I would love a replica of this to hang in my home.
Don't you feel relaxed after looking at this painting?
I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of Public Parks, Private Gardens: Paris to Provence and it is on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 5th Avenue location until July 29, 2018.
Open Seven Days a Week
Sunday–Thursday: 10 am–5:30 pm*
Friday and Saturday: 10 am–9 pm*
Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first Monday in May. Friday evenings are made possible by the Ruth Lapham Lloyd Trust. Saturday evenings are made possible by the William H. Kearns Foundation.
*Galleries are cleared 15 minutes before closing.
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