I had not been to the Union Square Holiday Market in quite some time. I was able to stop by on a Sunday, when it wasn't quite too crowded, to see what they had to offer. These markets are really nice because many items are made right in New York City, and are very unique. I am a big unique gift giver, I hate giving the same thing everyone else is receiving.
You will find a large variety of items here, for men/women/children.
I loved how they had different sections based on where the products were made
I LOVED this booth, everything had such great color!
I found this seller last year on Christmas Day, and purchased one of the bags. I love it because it is so colorful and has many pockets to hold things, great for travel.
The round one was new from last year, so darn adorable!
Love the bags from Pamela Barsky!
This was another cool shop, very unique items for purchase.
Citi had some great features at the market, like this lounge, for enjoying a bite to eat
I had a yummy empanada with chicken and coconut, it was really tasty!
Citi also had an area for charging your phone and giving out free hot chocolate.
The hot chocolate was delish and it was a nice touch from Citi
I love seeing charging stations
This was another real fave of mine, I had to be really good not to purchase anything! It was very difficult!
I loved these lights! So darn fabulous!
Lucid New York had their fabulous snowflake necklaces and some new bracelets below which I thought were very nice.
United Chocolate Works makes chocolate items that do not look like chocolate at all!
Decisions are hard to make at this market!
The amazing No Chewing Allowed was here, their truffles are just magical!
I LOVED this display of ties! Very clever indeed!
2017 Holiday Market | November 16th – December 24th
11:00AM to 9:00PM Monday through Friday
10:00AM to 9:00PM on Saturdays
11:00AM to 9:00PM on Sundays
Closed Thanksgiving Day and at 4pm on Christmas Eve
You can check out the Vendor Page to see some of these vendors websites, many of them do sell their items online that can be shipped.
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