We are so lucky to now have the New York Public Library digital collections available to us to see and share on blogs such as this one! You can explore 672,182 items digitized from The New York Public Library's collections and they have tons of vintage menus, which I think are pretty cool.
The site is a living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more. Be sure to check them out online!
I found this menu from Jack's Nest pretty neat. It was the city's premier soul-food restaurant in it's day, and was replaced by Sylvia's in Harlem's West Side. To compare the prices from the 1980's to what we pay now is pretty fun. There are many items on this menu I would order, and my Mom was a big fan of soul food. I think she was actually more daring than I am with her food choices! I need to start branching out myself! What would you order on this menu? I think I would take the Southern Fried Center Pork Chops, that would make me happy!
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