Lee's Art Shop is located on West 57th Street, near 7th Avenue and is a MUST visit! I came across the place one day while walking on West 57th street. Even though it says it is an art shop, it has lots of other fabulous items, gift items and at Christmas, becomes so merry and bright! Let's take a peek inside.......
This Santa was in their window, and loved the idea of the jolly old guy with a glass of wine to relax! Too cute!
I actually have this Santa pitcher, and wanted to see if the mugs were available on their own, but I didn't have time. Time is so valuable in New York City. I really love these!
Very sassy reindeer with the little Russian nesting dolls
An ornament always makes a great gift for someone, and when they place it on their tree each year, they will think fondly of the person who gave it to them.
Yes, those are wine bottle ornaments on the tree. Love that Santa too!
I am so in love with anything gingerbread!
Some regular party items mixed in with the holiday, cute little beer mugs!
So beautiful
Cute selection here, and love the bottle brush tree. Almost bought it.
I am a huge snowflake lover as well as you can keep them up all winter long.
This tree and the one below just made me smile. I was so proud I did not purchase any of these amazing ornaments! It was very, very hard I must say.
Lee's has a great selection of NYC ornaments, which make lovely gifts for family and friends.
The soldiers from Radio City Music Hall were just too adorable!
I love these type of ornaments, so unique and have such character.
More of the food tree because I couldn't get enough of it!!
Nutcrackers are lots of fun as well, and this gold guy stole my heart.
This vintage looking display with the bottle brush trees and old fashioned house is pure magic!
This tree was in the window and it was spitting snow! I was quite enjoying it for sure. Such a cleaver idea indeed, not sure how the clean up would be having it in your home, but loads of fun!
This is not a sponsored post as I shop in this store when in the city. They always have unique items, and if you are an artist, it is a really must visit. I hope you enjoyed this little shopping trip to Lee's Art Shop and that you will visit on your own when in the city. It is one of my faves!
220 West 57th Street (near 7th Ave)
NY, NY 10019
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