Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photo Gallery Thursday " Some Cream in your Coffee"

Nothing beats a cup of coffee with cream. I just love coffee. I can drink it any time of day or night. This photo was taken with the help of my mom at Thanksgiving dinner. My mom has also been using cream in her tea, which is how they take it in England, so I am told. I do love flavors as well, they are like a non-calorie dessert. I am hoping to have more coffee giveaways for 2013 for my lovely readers.

How do you take your coffee? Milk, Cream, Black, Sugar, No Sugar??

Please make sure this Thursday is the best it can possibly be!!

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Lisa Gordon said...

This is a wonderful photograph!
Mine? Just a little bit of cream, no sugar.
Happy day to you!

Daryl said...

its funny but for years and years i drank coffee with milk and sugar .. then i met this guy .. we went out for coffee he said 'you take your coffee black? right?' and i nodded .. i am still not sure why i agreed, it wasn't true .. but guess what? i've been drinking it black ever since! oh the guy? we got engaged and then broke up ...

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

What a perfect photo! I admire your photography skills, Rosemary. My sister just told me she has recently started drinking coffee with heavy cream, three sugars - I was tempted to switch off my skim, no sugar habit but my willpower prevailed.

Enjoy your day!!

Vannessa@Luxuria said...

Hi Rosemary. I'ma Brit and have never known people to add cream to their tea; but always milk ;-) I tend to only have the occassional herbal tea, so no milk for me.
Lovely picture xx

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

Actually Vanessa, my mom tried to put coffee creamer in her tea and it curdled!! I guess milk is only allowed or "real" cream possibly would work. Thank you so much for stopping by!!

Lobster Meets Peach said...

What a pretty picture! I know I am weird but I only put skim milk in my coffee. No sugar, I am sweet enough already:)

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