Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Photo Gallery Tuesday "Chocolate Porcupine Cake"

Corrado Bread and Pastry Shop makes these most adorable cakes! Wouldn't it be great fun to bring to a party! He just looks so adorable and I would say tastes pretty well too! Corrado has many locations within the city, and they are a must stop if you happen to be in any of the areas where they are located. Hope your Tuesday is a fabulous one!! 

Corrado Bread and Pastry at 79 Street - 
1390 3rd Avenue

Corrado Bread and Pastry 
1361 Lexington Avenue @ 90th Street 

Corrado Bread and Pastry 
East Village, 35 Christopher Street

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Daryl said...

adorable and I bet it tastes yum

marthainvienna said...

Even the grouchiest person would have to crack a smile at that cake face.

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

I agree that this probably tastes so yummy I would feel bad cutting into it, I have to say ☺

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