My mother and I have been enjoying the program here in the States called Who Do You Think You Are where they trace celebrity family history with the help of website. We really found it pretty neat and they showed many of my favorite people like Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband Matthew Broderick. The above photo is my father (starting at the top left) his brother Frank and another brother Carmen as well as his brother-in-law James at the bottom. I decided to enroll in the website but once I get to Italy, it got confusing so I halted my research.
I received an email last Saturday from a fourth cousin I believe she turned out to be. She had this amazing photo of my great-great grandfather, Frank Paul, to the left at the marriage of his daughter, Marie Antoinette. I really thought it was just so cool to see this photo.
Here I am with my grandfather, Frank Paul's son ......I am really enjoying the idea of researching the family history and hoping I may get more contacts from family via the ancestry site. 

As you can see, baking is in my genes! Here I am with my Aunt baking some type of goodie!!
Have you ever researched your ancestry? Do you use and if so what have you found upon your research? They do charge for some of the information on the site but you can pay monthly and cancel whenever so I think that is a nice choice. I hope you have enjoyed a little of my family history today!
Today's Words of Wisdom: Trace Your Family Tree
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I love this! I am doing a similar thing for my final year in art history. Instead of looking up someone who is related to me, I discovered that my great uncle was really good friends with a couple who owned a great deal of art and were artists themselves. It may prove to be a good contribution to Canadian art history.
The Wanderfull Traveler
PS. I am writing a post that includes you at a blog that I write for called The Pop Culture Divas. I am using a photo from your site, so I hope that is okay. Your photo will be attributed to you and a link will be provided to your site. The post will be up Wednesday. The link is below.
Thank you for the shout out as a Pop Culture Diva! I appreciate it very much. The family history is really an exciting research item and I am enjoying it alot. Looking forward to my write up on your Pop Culture blog!!
I really enjoy that show Who Do You Think You Are. The pictures of your family are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them!
Yes Kat I hope they bring it back on tv...have not heard anything on it yet.
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