Saturday, September 17, 2011

Top 5 Blog Posts for Week Ending September 17, 2011

I felt the need to bring this back today as it's been a while but the Top 5 are : 
1. Sunday Flowers at Vienna Daily Photo HERE 
2. Bryant Park 09/11 Tribute HERE 
3. Daphne's great exhibit at FIT HERE 
4. Algerian Pastries HERE 
5. Feast of San Gennaro HERE 

Hope you are all having a great weekend!! 

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Jill said...

Hey, thanks for adding my post about the Daphne Guinness exhibit! What a nice surprise! It's a great show, I'm going back. I'm curious whether it's going to be as packed as the McQueen exhibit. I am suddenly a big Daphne fan! Let me know what you think when you see it.

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

You are very welcome! Great you got photos as I am sure none will be allowed normally. I don't know if it will be as big as McQueen but it should be as her stuff is amazing!

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