Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Roman Catholic Church of our Saviour

Happy 2014 to everyone! I hope that you have the best year ever! While I was walking on Park Avenue, I came across this beautiful church, the Roman Catholic Church of our Saviour. The outside was really quite stunning, all the work involved when it was first built in 1955.  
The design was by Paul C Reilly, who had been known to design some of the Manhattan theaters. How great is this entrance with the gorgeous red door?  
Another red door on the side was just as spectacular.  

The inside really took my breathe away 

The ceiling was really remarkable  

I wish for all my readers the utmost health, happiness and success for the year 2014. I thank you all for stopping by the blog, and I hope you continue to visit. Be sure to tell your friends who love New York City they are always welcome to stop by!

Today's Words of Wisdom: “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” 
― Edith Lovejoy Pierce



Unknown said...

Great church. My nephew was married here in 2012. No matter who walked in the rich colorful ornate design grabbed you and like a lil kid was looking all one was sitting straight with hands folded. Haha

Unknown said...
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nycstylelittlecannoli said...

That is so cool Christine! It was really gorgeous and in such a nice quiet part of town. I really enjoyed my visit and lit a candle for my Mom as well. Have a great New Year and thanks for stopping by!!

Unknown said...

What a truly beautiful church, so worth visiting as well. Wishing you health, happiness and may all your goals become reality in 2014. Continued success with NYC, Style and a little Cannoli. XOXO


Dana - said...

Rosemary, your photos are gorgeous, inside and out. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year, sweet friend!

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

Thank you Maria and Dana for stopping by! This church was a fun find while I was walking around the city!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Happy New Year Rosemary!!! That church is lovely. I love the details both inside and out. I love churches. Just gorgeous.

Lisa Gordon said...

What a gorgeous church this is Rosemary!
The detail in the architecture is amazing.
I wish you not the most wonderful things in the New Year.

Daryl said...

happy new year!

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