Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How Economy Does Your $3 Build When You Buy a Cup of Gourmet Coffee?

Here's How You Make Coffee A Billion Dollar Business

I thought this was interesting information and wanted to know your thoughts on this very detailed process. It makes you think alot more when you do go to purchase that cup of java, doesn't it ?

*Disclaimer: There has been no monetary compensation for posting this content. Brands mentioned are not affiliates or sponsors of this blog post. The opinions expressed are completely my own based on my experiences.

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Daryl said...

interesting ... i dont think it will change my coffee habits, Irving Farms, my favorite coffee 'shop', sells fair trade

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

I thought it was interesting myself
Glad your Paris trip is back on schedule Wish I could fit in your suitcase!!

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