Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween ....Upper East Side Style

Upon my recent trip to the city...found this lovely display for fall by Flowers by Phillip on Madison wonderful....makes you want a pumpkin pie!!   

How about a Vampire Cake from Dean and velvet cake...with buttercream kind of vampire.....

I loved this decor...the lovely lights on each side of the door...the pumpkin and yes the decor on the door...just brilliant!! what else was I going to find......

hmmmm....a very spooky looking tree.....

a great NYC door with a mummy and some spiders....just what I was looking for .....

whoever says the Upper East Side is stuffy should have seen these great Halloween displays

this looks like it's going to be a really good one here ..... the little guy in what looks like a bathtub...could have done without the leg but hey, it is Halloween !! 

people really spent a lot of time on this and they are just amazing

love, love this guy on the great red door !!

This post is another fine example of just going to a neighborhood and being suprised! I did not expect to find these neat decorations for a great Halloween post but when I came across them, I was so thrilled! Sometimes the best part about NYC is the unpredictable piece of it. It pays to take one day of your vacation in the city and do not plan a thing. Just walk and see what you will be amazed. I promise. 

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween Everyone !!!!

Today's Words of Wisdom: Freedom is in the Mind  

Cannoli Dreams for You.....until next post 




SohoAccessories said...

That vampire cake is amazing!

Kitty said...

ha, so true.
It is nice that folks manage to decorate for Halloween in the city, and surprising they do so in such a posh neighborhood. Great catches!

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

many of these gorgeous buildings that used to be homes to people are now was a doctor office... I can't imagine how great living in one of these.... :)

Cafe Fashionista said...

The Upper East Side definitely does Halloween well. Happy, Happy Halloween, my love!! :)

Paris Pastry said...

So beautifully decorated! I were living in that UES quarters, I would go out and buy me some vampire cake from dean & Deluca!

Happy Halloween Rosemary!

Vær våken said...

Hi Rosemary! That first image is just gorgeous!!! Your photo is great! Hope you're enjoying a happy Halloween!

Kristin xoxo

Aprendeconvale said...

I am sure you had a thrilling weekend!!!

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