I will admit, Macy's holiday windows are something I have not seen in quite a few years. I was in the city on a Wednesday, great time during the holidays to go, and had to see their windows this year! I grew up with the Peanuts gang, they are just such a fun group! My Mom worked in a children's boutique shop and they sold so much of these characters. I have Snoopy, his sister Belle (not many know he had a sister!) and brother, Spike! I really enjoyed viewing these, it took me back to my childhood, which was a very happy time. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did !!
They had a piano at the front of the window for Schroeder and this guy was having a blast trying to play it! He said afterwards it wasn't like a real piano! These windows have made everyone feel young at heart!
These guys were right next to me looking at the windows! I nearly fell over when I saw them! Costumes are crazy good, my Mom was a HUGE Star Wars fan. Then below, they started dancing with the Salvation Army ladies to some snazzy music. It was loads of fun. Only in NYC!
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