We are back visiting at Longwood Gardens, and The Peirce - du Pont House, which was originally built in 1730. It has been enlarged several times through the centuries, especially in 1914, when Pierre S. du Pont created their first Conservatory.
The house is open to guests and contains the Longwood Heritage Exhibit, a collection of historic photos, artifacts, home movies, and video that tells the story of the stewards of the land who preserved and developed the property.
How cool is the treehouse? You can climb up if you dare, I choose to photograph from the ground level!
Built in 1730 by Joshua Peirce, this historic home has been greatly enlarged over the years by successive generations of Peirces and later by Mr. du Pont, who purchased the property in 1906 and used it as his summer home. The house was opened to the public in 1976 and now contains the Longwood Heritage Exhibit.
This is just gorgeous on such a grand scale. To think this was only their summer home, I wouldn't mind living here 12 months a year!
You can read some information about Pierre S du Pont HERE on the Longwood Gardens website. Everything here is just very well done. I think Mr. du Pont would be very proud to see what Longwood Gardens has become in 2015.
We are now inside the home, where plants are just about everywhere you turn!
Isn't this cool? It almost looks fake, doesn't it ?
I just love the staircase, very elegant and oh so grand!
These vintage suitcases were pretty cool. I loved all the decor, and especially in Mr. du Pont's office, antique items like the telephone and typewriter.
You really learn the history behind Longwood Gardens when you tour the home.
I am glad they are able to showcase how the items were selected for the house, and all the hard work that went into making this place such a popular one with tourists.
If you are a flower lover, Longwood Gardens is a must. My times to advise to visit would be later Spring, Fall and the Holiday Season. It is an amazing place, and you can tell the care that is taken into every space you visit. My favorite time seems to remain Christmas, as the place is really just gorgeous. You can check out my posts HERE and HERE.
Have you ever been to Longwood Gardens? When is your favorite time to visit?
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