Jamie Rothstein Distinctive Floral Designs Inc.
311 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
Contact: Jamie Rothstein, 215-238-1220, JamieLRothstein@aol.com
Le Salon des Fleurs
The place and time: Paris 1875. Enjoy an opulent parlor and exterior garden in the style of the Belle Époque. The interior will feature spectacular fresh floral arrangements, as well as mosaic floral wall panels between large arches topped by exquisite cascading flowers.
The exhibit is enhanced by antique floral arrangements made from objects such as seashells, wax, wool, paper and muslin created by aristocratic women of the era. These delicate simulations of nature are contained in their original blown-glass domes. Noted antique collector, writer and speaker John Whitenight, the premiere authority on glass domes, and his partner Frederick LaValley have loaned a variety of examples from their collection of 19th century decorative arts. An adjoining formal French garden displays brightly colored parterres of flowers accented by antique statues depicting the four seasons.
Today's Words of Wisdom: You Cannot Live without Your Dreams
311 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
Contact: Jamie Rothstein, 215-238-1220, JamieLRothstein@aol.com
Le Salon des Fleurs
The place and time: Paris 1875. Enjoy an opulent parlor and exterior garden in the style of the Belle Époque. The interior will feature spectacular fresh floral arrangements, as well as mosaic floral wall panels between large arches topped by exquisite cascading flowers.
The exhibit is enhanced by antique floral arrangements made from objects such as seashells, wax, wool, paper and muslin created by aristocratic women of the era. These delicate simulations of nature are contained in their original blown-glass domes. Noted antique collector, writer and speaker John Whitenight, the premiere authority on glass domes, and his partner Frederick LaValley have loaned a variety of examples from their collection of 19th century decorative arts. An adjoining formal French garden displays brightly colored parterres of flowers accented by antique statues depicting the four seasons.
this was my other favorite exhibit from the show...it was really so gorgeous.....we went back twice to view it
I am showing these photos in their largest form because they are not to be missed
is this not amazing????
I think the set design was just unbelievable !! Mr. Whitenight 's victorian home was the inspiration for the set shown here........just wonderful
these domes are from the private collection of Mr. Whitenight, who has been collecting for more than 30 years......
his private collection consists of over 175 domes from 3 inches to over 3 feet in height....the flowers are made from natural materials such as beewax and silk human hair ....
this really takes you back in time to that Victorian era in Paris ......
it would be great to sit and have high tea here, don't you think??
The Next Post is Part 2 of this great display, the french garden .....
you can view my whole flickr set of pictures HERE
Today's Words of Wisdom: You Cannot Live without Your Dreams
What a lovely room! Amazing detail in the decor.
The Wanderfull Traveler
This reminds me of a favorite store of mine in Danville California. What a beautiful exhibit!
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