Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another Sunshine Award from How to be Perfect

I was very excited today to see I have my second sunshine award! It was from The Art of Being Perfect blog and I was very honored! I am thrilled this blog seems to be taking a life of it's own and hope that it inspires you to visit NYC very soon. It is a most wonderful place to be!!! 

According to blog awards...here are my 12 NYC blog picks for the next Sunshine Award : 
  1. http://www.walkingoffthebigapple.com/ Walking off the Big Apple 
  2. http://blondieandbrownie.blogspot.com/   Blondie & Brownie 
  3. http://www.chubbychinesegirl.com/  Chubby's NY Food Diary 
  4. http://whrtny.blogspot.com/     We Heart NY
  5. http://millefiorifavoriti.blogspot.com/  Mille Fiori Favoriti
  6. http://hiphostessnyc.blogspot.com/  Hip Hostess NYC 
  7. http://awalkerinnyc.blogspot.com/   A Walker in NYC 
  8. http://greenwichvillagenydailyphoto.blogspot.com/  Greenwich Village Daily Photo 
  9. http://advancedstyle.blogspot.com/    Advanced Style 
  10. http://cupcakecampnyc.blogspot.com/   Cupcake Camp NYC 
  11. http://serendipitylovesnewyork.blogspot.com/  Serendipity Loves NY
  12. http://tourguidebillsblog.blogspot.com/  The talk of NY 
Please be sure to check out these great blogs for ideas about NYC very soon!!


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